Monday, June 27, 2011

The Favorite Friend Award goes to....

from P&K's perspective:

Sam is a brown dog.
He likes to play rock too.
He likes bicycles more than Koonsley.
He looks tough but he is a softy at heart.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Our last week of the "DP"

Pawsha & Koonsley don't know that they should be sad that this is their last week going to the "dp". Instead, they are just as excited as ever when those nine two words leave my mouth.

I say:
"Do you want to go to the DOG PARK?"
they hear:
"rarr, raaa, rarr, rraar, DOG PARK?
and they go crazy even though they know that...
                                       it will be sweltering hot when they jump in my car....
                                       they will have to suffer through me running errands....
                                       heads out the window just makes them hotter...
Good news is that when they press their snouts as close as they possibly can to the air conditioning vent, that's my cue to close the vent on my side and turn it up full blast!

                              Ahhhhhh, the air conditioning vents...a dog's summer dream.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Red Velvet Cake Ice Cream by Ben & Jerry's

I usually stick to something with chocolate in it, but I thought I would try something new. I wish I hadn't even looked at the Ben & Jerry's because now I just want to eat this new flavor for breakfast and lunch and dinner too
Pawsha and Koonsley usually get one or two little licks and occasionally they find the empty container in the recycling and help themselves to any tiny morsel that may have been left behind.